Monday, November 13, 2017

Beginner Hiking Tip - Start Small

From 2000 to early 2017, Reid Hackney worked as the senior vice president of finance and the chief financial officer of the Ascena Retail Group. There, he leveraged technology, conservative fiscal stewardship, operational efficiency, and procedural excellence to help drive the company’s growth into a $3 billion national retailer. Now retired, Reid Hackney likes to spend time outdoors with activities like hiking.

Aside from being a great workout, hiking is an ideal way to slow down and unplug while enjoying the wonders of nature. If you are thinking of taking up hiking as a hobby, it is important to start small to avoid turning this relaxing hobby into a potentially dangerous excursion. 

To start with, choose a trail that is shorter than your average walking distance on a flat surface. As trails are often uneven, hilly, and even mountainous, walking the same distance will require extra effort. 

As a beginner, make sure you are hiking with someone who has more experience than you. Aside from helping to keep you safe, your partner can likely teach you a few things about hiking. 

Consider hiking at a local park once a week to bolster your skills. Hiking in a public park is a safe way to build up your stamina, test new gear, and practice planning a hike. 

Once you can complete these shorter hikes with ease, it is safe to consider something longer or more strenuous. That said, even as an experienced hiker, you should always hike with other people to avoid the risk of getting lost or injured and stranded.